Here’s a scan of J-fashion magazine, Alice Deco, A La mode’s Spring 2009 magazine. For those of you who are new to magazine scans, Alice Deco is a Lolita style magazine, filled with shopping lists, and make up tutorials.  This issue also includes a cute hair bow pattern, a simple blouse,  a bell skirt,  and a few neck doily.

Original props to Minty? of Livejournal


Before my blog was rebuilt,  my most popular post was about the shallow common believe amongst  an unfortunate majority, that all Japanese people were beautiful and cute. Almost akin to mythical elf’s, woe be upon those who spoke otherwise about the dainty Asian race

“Bullshit!” I howled, posting picture of a young lass before and after her abundant amounts of make up.  The difference was remarkable,  one picture showing a normal looking girl with unruly hair and a tomboyish appeal to her. The other picture showing a pretty princess with perfect curls and alabaster skin.

This post was deleted during some unfortunate events, I was however lucky enough to find a large section of it was translated for a Spanish audience. You can find it here.

Though this post was incredibly old, I feel its my duty to retract my ignorance.

The girl in the pictures is most likely not Japanese, though this extreme extent of make up has been popular in japan as well.  This particular girl is more then likely demonstrating a trend popular in Korea called “Ulzzang.”

For those of you who are un-hip in the knowing, “Ulzzang” means ‘best face’ in Korean, and is the promotion of the idea of “perfect beauty.”  There are clubs, contests and even cash prizes to be won for being a knock out beauty. People who use fake hair, contacts or photo shop are considered vile cheaters, yet its the most common practice. Uzzlang goes beyond the reasonable idea of beauty until the very people that uphold the belief are unable to reasonably deliver it without extreme effort on self body modification.

I would snarl in disgust, however us Americans are just as guilty.

“Buckle down kiddies, its gonna be a long ride.”

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